Frederick Banting Insulin Story

Born - 14 November 1891, Alliston, New Tecumseth (Canada)
Died - 21 February 1941, Musgrave Harbour (Canada)

The incident dates back to the time Dr. Frederick Banting was engaged in a new discovery in a laboratory in a farm house in Canada. Doctor Frederick Banting befriended a beautiful girl named Jenny. They did not realize when their friendship turned into love

Frederick Banting often told Jenny that I am not afraid of my failure when you were around me, while Jenny often told Frederick Banting that you would one day make great discoveries, which made you immortal in human history.

 Also read :- Michael Faraday 

Time passed slowly. Frederick Baiting became so busy with his quest that he could not find the time to meet Jenny, and when his search was complete, Frederick Banting arrived at Jenny's house to meet him, Jenny's parents told Frederick that Jenny's  Death has occurred due to diabetes.

Frederick Banting was deeply saddened to hear this. Frederick Banting vows at the same time that one day will surely reveal a cure for it.  After this, everything like Frederick Banting has forgotten, remember, only the treatment of diabetes.

Frederick Batting used to experiment in his laboratory day and night to find a cure for the disease. Frederick Batting became so busy with the treatment of the disease that he often forgot to eat and drink.

Finally, Frederick Banting's hard work paid off and Frederick Baiting discovered insulin to treat diabetes, considered one of the important discoveries in the history of humanity, expected to give new life to millions.

Also read :- Socrates

This is to say that when a person works hard to achieve something, he gets success. So we should always keep trying to achieve it while setting our goals.

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