Michael Faraday

Born - 22 September 1791,Newington Butts, London (United Kingdom)
Died - 25 August 1867, Court Palace, Molesey, (United Kingdom)

The incident dates back to the time Michael Faraday worked at the Royal Society. Once a government official arrived at the Royal Society to meet Michael Faraday, when that officer asked guard about Michael Faraday, guard told that he would be in the laboratory.

When the British officers arrived at the laboratory, they saw that there was no one in the entire laboratory. When the British officers began to return, they suddenly saw an ordinary old man cleaning the bottles in the laboratory.

The British officer shouted angrily. He said to the person, "Is this what you do?"  The man said very politely, "Yes, I have been working here for the last forty years." At this the British officer told the old man that guard had told me that the great scientist Michael Faraday would meet me here. Guard lied to me. I will complain of guard to Michael Faraday.

Hearing this, the old man told the British officer, "The guard told you right. Michael Faraday is in the laboratory at the moment."

Hearing this, the British officer looked at the old man with sharp eyes and said, "I don't see him. On hearing this, the old man smiled and said," I am Michael Faraday. Tell me, what can I serve you? " The English officer was surprised to see such simplicity of a great man.

It means to say that no matter how big a person is, if he does not have the qualities of humility, gentleness and tolerance, then his greatness is meaningless.

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