In the world, any criminal is punished for committing a crime. Different punishments are given for different crimes. But in some such cases, criminals have been given strange punishments, knowing about which you will be surprised. Today we will tell you about some strange punishments. You will be surprised to know about them.
Punishment for watching cartoons : - A man living in Missouri, America, hunted hundreds of deer. The name of this person was David Berry. In the year 2018, finding David Berry guilty of this crime, the court sentenced him to stay in jail for one year and watch cartoons at least once a month.
Punishment to stand on one's own feet : - The parents of a 25-year-old boy living in Andalusia, Spain, stopped giving him pocket money. After this, he brought the matter to court. But the court instead sentenced him that within the next 30 days he will have to leave his parents' house and stand on his own feet.
Punishment for going to church : - 17-year-old Tyler Allred, who lives in Oklahoma, USA, was driving after drinking alcohol. One of his friends died in the accident that occurred due to this. This incident happened in the year 2011. Since Tyler was studying in high school at that time, the court sentenced him to complete high school and graduation, undergo drug, alcohol and nicotine tests for a year, and go to church for 10 years.
Punishment for listening to music : - In 2008, Andrew Vector was fined 120 pounds (about 11 thousand rupees in today's terms) for listening to loud music in his car in America. He was listening to his favourite music 'rap' while driving. Later the judge said that he would reduce the fine to 30 pounds, but Vector would have to listen to classical music of Beethoven, Bach and Chopin for 20 hours.
Punishment of marching with a donkey : - In 2003, two boys living in Chicago, America, stole the statue of Jesus Christ from the church on Christmas evening and damaged it. Both were found guilty of this crime and sentenced to 45 days in jail by the court. Apart from this, they were also ordered to march with a donkey in their hometown.
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