How To Decide Marriage?

Subhadra was the sister of Shri Krishna and Balarama. Balarama wanted Subhadra to marry Duryodhana. Whereas, Subhadra wanted to marry Arjuna, not Duryodhana.  

Shri Krishna said to Arjuna, 'You marry Subhadra. After this Arjun kidnapped Subhadra.  At that time the meeting of Yaduvanshis was going on and they were informed that Arjuna had kidnapped Subhadra.  

On hearing this, Balarama became angry.  Balarama ordered the Yaduvanshis to make preparations for the war. Arjuna is also a warrior, war will not be easy with him. All the Yaduvanshis made preparations for a big war.  

Balarama saw that everyone was preparing for war and Shri Krishna was sitting quietly.  Balarama asked, 'Shri Krishna, why are you sitting quietly? We had honored Arjuna only at your behest. Today he made a hole in the plate in which he had eaten.  

'Balarama understood that Shri Krishna is silent, so there must be some secret behind it. Shri Krishna said, 'All of you are in a state of passion at this time. If you want to kill Arjuna, will you widow your sister? Arjun is no ordinary person. Who wouldn't want to make Kunti's son a relative? Elder brother, remember, the decision of the marriage of the younger members of the family is not taken only by looking at the present. It should look at the past as well as the future. I can see that Duryodhana's future is bleak and Arjun's future is bright. You should see this too. At present Arjun has my own chariot. He has wonderful horses. Fighting with him is not easy. We should welcome them that our sister has made a deserving person her life partner.

Hearing the impressive words of Shri Krishna, everyone bowed down and Arjuna was accepted with respect.  

Moral - In this story Shri Krishna has given us a message that when the relationship of a member in our family is settled, the present as well as the past and future possibilities of the boy or boy should be taken into account. 

Read more : -  Respect Of Women 

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