War Of The Bucket

There was more than one dangerous war all over the world, in which thousands and millions of people lost their lives. By the way, there was only one motive behind most of the wars, to expand their power by capturing that state. But hundreds of years ago, such a war was fought, the reason behind which was only one bucket.  You must be finding this a bit strange, but it is true.

Actually, this incident dates back to 1325 AD, at that time religious tension in Italy had increased a lot. There were frequent battles between the two states of Bologna and Modena. Because Bologna was supported by the pope, while Modena was supported by the Roman Emperor.  In fact, the people of Bologna believed that the Pope was the true master of Christianity, while the people of Modena believed that the Roman emperor was the real master.

A battle had already taken place in 1296 AD between Bologna and Modena. Since then there was always tension between the two states.  According to historians, Modena became very aggressive during the reign of Rinaldo Bonacolsi and often attacked Bologna. This tension between the two kingdoms turned into a major battle when, in 1325 AD, some Modena soldiers quietly broke into a fortress in Bologna and stole a wooden bucket from there.

It is said that the bucket was full of diamonds and jewels. When Bologna's army learned of the theft of a bucket full of precious gems, they asked Modena to give it back, but Modena flatly refused. Bologna then declared war on Modena.

Let us tell you that Bologna had an army of 32 thousand people at that time, while Modena had only seven thousand soldiers. The battle that started early in the morning between the two states lasted till midnight, but the most surprising thing was that Modena was victorious in this war despite less soldiers. More than two thousand soldiers were killed in this war.

This battle between Bologna and Modena is known as the 'War of the Bucket' or 'War of the Auken Bucket'. Even today that bucket is kept in a museum, for which a fierce battle was fought.  

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