The Oldest Star 'Earendel'

Scientists trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe have discovered a 12.9 billion year old star. Scientists say that this is the oldest star ever discovered. This star has been discovered with the help of the American space agency NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. Scientists have named this star Earendel which means morning star or rising light.

The most important thing is that apart from being an old star, it is also the farthest.  Astronomers have discovered a star 28 billion light years away in space that has taken 12.9 billion years for its light to reach Earth. The Hubble Space Observatory has discovered the Earendel star with the help of a zoom lens called gravitational lensing.

Under this process, if a group of galaxies is seen in a straight line, due to gravity, the light of the distant object increases, due to which the farthest star is estimated. Even before this, Hubble had discovered the most distant star, whose name is Icarus.

Scientists who discovered the Earendel star say that it may be the biggest star ever. So much remains to be known about it. It is not yet clear what the size of this star is. But it is believed that Earendel can be about 50 times bigger than the Sun. The star explorer is published March 30 in the journal Nature.

Scientists say that Earendel began to glow in the first billion years of our universe. It is estimated that its mass is 50 times the mass of our Sun. Its brightness is also millions of times brighter than the Sun.

Study author Brian Welch, published in the journal Nature, says that at first he did not believe the discovery of this star, because this star was more distant than the redshift star.  Redshift and blueshift tell us how less light, or wavelength, shifts in space when an object is approaching or moving away from us. When an object comes towards us, the light emitted from it is called blueshift whereas the light emitted from the object moving away from us is called redshift.

Scientists also estimate that the stars discovered by Hubble must be two stars and are orbiting each other. This is a common thing. Scientists doing research believe that it could also be a group of many stars, but they believe that Arendal is one or two stars.

Scientists say that many information will be available about Earendel in the coming years.  NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will observe this star. It will also be ascertained whether Earendel is composed entirely of primordial hydrogen and helium.

If this happens, Population III will be the first evidence of stars that scientists believe are the first stars to form after the Big Bang. However, Earendel is less likely to fall into the Population III star category. 

Read more : -  The Mystery Of The Creation Of The Earth 

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