The Mystery Of The Creation Of The Earth

There has been a mystery about the origin of the earth for billions of years. Although, from time to time, many scientists have made many claims about the origin of the earth, but till now the process of its formation remains like a mystery.  At the same time, in a recent incident, there are indications of the curtain being raised from this mystery. It is being told that a gas is leaking from the interior of the earth. Actually, this is the same gas that was necessary for the nebula at the time of the formation of the universe. It is considered to be helium 3 gas, which is a rare isotope of helium gas.

According to scientists, it is leaking from the core of the Earth. Actually, this gas was formed soon after the Big Bang and due to this the solar nebula was formed, after which the Earth was formed. This is the reason why scientists are trying to know about the process of formation of the earth through this gas. 

Now scientists are trying to estimate how much of this gas is leaking. Earlier this gas used to come out from the central part of the earth (mantle). At the same time, the discovery of Helium-3 leaking from the Earth's core has revealed that abundant amounts of Helium-3 gas are present in the Earth's core.

However, in which exact part of the earth this gas is present and in what quantity, complete information on this matter has not been revealed at the moment. Helium-3 gas is also produced by some natural processes. For example, helium 3 is produced even after the decomposition of the radioactive substance tritium. But this is such an element, which was first formed in the nebula itself.

The discovery has also been published in the AGU Geochemistry Journal. It has been told in the report that during the formation process of the Earth, a large amount of metal core remained, due to which helium 3 was also left in the Earth's core. Mainly the radioactive material is made up of decomposition of uranium and thorium. Also, through this discovery, the formation of the Earth from the Solar Nebula is also known.

How was the Earth's core formed?

According to NASA, the nebula was made up of gas and dust storms, which mainly contained hydrogen and helium. The dust and gas present in the nebula were quite dispersed, but due to gravity, they all clumped together to grow into clumps and then it spread. Simultaneously, gravity also became stronger and stronger.

Gradually this bunch collided with its own gravity. When it collided, as a result the center of this cluster became extremely hot. After this this hot core took birth as a star.

Researchers say that helium started accumulating inside the core during the process of Earth's formation. After this the moon was formed. This is the reason that after this helium in a way got exhausted from the earth.

Earth releases two kilograms of helium every year

At the same time, about 4 billion years ago, an object about a third of the size of the Earth came and collided with the Earth. In such a situation, the earth's crust started melting once again. This led to the release of most of the helium 3 gas. It is now estimated that even today, about 2 kg of helium gas is released every year from the lower part of the earth.

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