Russia's Most Dangerous Weapons

America and NATO are unable to muster the courage to go against Russia, which has caused havoc in Ukraine. The biggest reason for this is Russia's dangerous weapons. With these weapons, Russia can destroy any of its enemies.  By deploying these weapons, the enemy starts getting scared. Russia has the largest atomic bomb in the world. In the year 1961, the Soviet Union (today's Russia) tested the super destructive hydrogen bomb. This hydrogen bomb was 3333 times more powerful than the atomic bomb that America dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.

Russia's Most Dangerous Weapons

  • The Jar Bomb - The Jar bomb is the largest atomic bomb in the world. Millions of people can die as soon as it explodes. Apart from this, people will become victims of skin and respiratory diseases.
  • Kinjal hypersonic missilesRussia's Kinjal hypersonic missiles are extremely dangerous. This hypersonic nuclear missile has been installed in Russia's MiG 31 fighter planes.
  • 2S7 Pion cannonRussia has 2S7 Pion cannon, it can carry out short-range nuclear attack. Through this cannon, a 203 MM  atomic bomb can be attacked.
  • Belgorod Nuclear SubmarineRussia has the Belgorod Nuclear Submarine, which is said to be the world's largest submarine. Equipped with Poseidon torpedoes, this submarine can generate radioactive tsunamis.
  • T-14 ArmataApart from these, Russia has T-14 Armata tank which is very dangerous. It is operated by remote control. This tank can hit its target accurately without crew members. It can fire 10 to 12 rounds in a minute.

Read more : - Russia' Facts

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