Russia Facts

In terms of area, it is the largest country in the world, which has eleven time zones, due to which it is morning in one part and evening in the other. Russia is a country in which about 25% of the continent of Europe and 75% of the rest comes under the continent of Asia. The Ural mountain range separates it from the continent of Asia. Alaska was sold by Russian Tsar (In Russia the king was called a Tsar.) to the United States in the year 1867 for 7.2 million dollars, otherwise Russia would have expanded into the continent of America as well. Its capital, Moscow, is the largest city in the country. 

                                Russian Flag

The history of Russia begins with the humans of the Slavic race, whose old stronghold was today Ukraine. In the ninth century, the foundation of the Kiwi Russian Empire was laid here, which managed to rule it for about 300 years. In 1230, the army of Genghis Khan defeated the Kiwi Empire. In 1380, the army of Dmitry Danskoy defeated the Mongols and laid the foundation of the new empire and made Moscow the capital.

After this, in the 15th century, Ivan III (also known as Ivan the Great) tripled the expansion of the Russian Empire. He established a vast Russian empire by winning many wars. Later in this empire, Ivan IV (also known as Ivan the Fierce) became the king, who used to put his opponent to death. After this this empire did not last long and in the year 1613, Mikhail Romanov was made the ruler, whose descendants ruled for about 300 years. During the rule of these kings, the Industrial Revolution had begun in Europe and Peter-the-Great made many reforms to bring Russia at par with other European countries and in 1703 he made St. Petersburg the new capital.

A few years after the death of Peter the Great, for the first time in Russia there was a female ruler named Catherine, who married Peter the Great's grandson. At the time of Catherine, the great French ruler Napoleon invaded Russia.  Napoleon also laid siege to Moscow in the year 1812, but had to return disappointed due to extreme cold. Nicholas I became Tsar of Russia on 26 December 1825. During his reign, there was a war between the Russian and Turkish Empire in the year 1828-29 and Russia emerged victorious. After the death of Nicholas I, Alexander II came to power, one of the greatest social reformer kings in Russia, who also made many reforms in the judicial system.

Bledimer Lenin and Joseph Stalin

Alexander III ascended to power in the year 1883 and during his time there was considerable economic progress in Russia. Then Nicholas II sat in power, and during his time there was a war between Japan and Russia, in which Japan defeated Russia. Then the feeling of opposition started growing among the Russian people and wanted democracy by removing the monarchy. As a result, Nicholas II had to form a parliament. The Russian parliament is called Doma. It repealed Parliament many times and filled such people who would say yes to him. Meanwhile, the failure of the Russian army on many fronts in the First World War was creating a flame in the minds of the people. And as a result it was assassinated in 1918.  With this the monarchy in Russia came to an end. The Communist government came into existence due to the struggles and efforts of Lenin. During this period, the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 led to the creation of Soviet Russia, which lasted until 1991.

In World War II, when Germany under the leadership of Hitler attacked Russia, bypassing the agreement with Soviet Russia, Stalin ordered his soldiers that no soldier would retreat and whoever retreated would be shot. As a result, Germany, which had captured almost the whole of Europe, was driven back by the Russian army and the Russian soldiers had reached Berlin, driving the German soldiers back. Stalin died in the year 1953.

Cold war

After the Second World War, Russia and America emerged as two powerful countries and both the countries were competing to prove their superiority in the world. If there was a situation of tension between the two countries, then it seemed that war would take place. During this time Russia made considerable economic progress to overtake America. New scientific inventions took place, new weapons were born.  In this sequence, Yuri Gagarin of Russia became the first person to go into space in the year 1961.  From the year 1980, Soviet Russia became economically weak and as a result, in 1991 Soviet Russia disintegrated.

Countries that came into existence after the dissolution of the Soviet Union

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, 15 countries came into existence. Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Maledovia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Despite the disintegration of the Soviet Union, about 76% of the share remained with Russia.

Geographical coverage

The world's largest country by area, the Federation of Russia (Russia) covers an area of ​​approximately 1,71,70,200 km and has Moscow as its capital and largest city. The country of Russia is spread over both the continents of Europe and Asia and about 70% of it comes under the continent of Asia and the remaining 30% comes under the continent of Europe. It extends from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the Baltic Sea in the west for a length of 9000 km. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Caucasus Mountains in the south for a length of 4,500 km.

The highest mountain peak in Russia is Elbrusch, which is part of the Caucasus Mountains. It rains in summer in Siberia and winter in the European part. The highest rainfall occurs here on the Caucasus Mountains.

The Ural Mountains, the Ural River and the Caspian Sea divide it into Asia and Europe. The part of Asia in Russia is called Siberia, where it rains even in summer. Despite being such a vast country, it has a small population and "mostly Russian citizens" (about 77% of the total population) live in the European part. About 47% of the people in Russia practice Christianity and 30% are atheists, while the rest belong to other religions.  The main language here is Ruby and the currency is Ruble.

Major rivers of the country

Don, Volga, Amur, Lena, Yenisei, Ob are the main rivers of the country. The Amur River forms the border between Russia and China.

Major lakes of the country

The Caspian Sea, Ladoga, and Onega are the major lakes located in the European part of Russia and the Baikal lake is located in the Asian part of Russia. The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world. Major rivers like Volga and Ural drain into the Caspian Sea. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. The Caspian Sea is a saltwater lake and Baikal is a freshwater lake.

Russia's economy

According to GDP, Russia is the fifth largest economy in the continent of Europe and the 11th largest economy in the world. According to some information, about thirty percent of the world's natural resources are present with Russia.  Energy, natural gas, oil, metals, aircraft equipment constitute a substantial part of Russia's exports. Russia has the world's largest natural gas reserves and Russia is also the world's largest exporter of natural gas and the second largest exporter of petroleum. Apart from this, Russia also produces and exports a large number of modern weapons.

In addition to energy, metals, defense, a large part of Russia is also surrounded by forests and if we talk about the percentage of forests in the countries of the world, then Russia has the largest forest area in the world. Wood-related business also plays a role in the economy.

Important Russia's facts

The Trans-Siberian Railroad is the longest rail route in the world with a length of 9289 km and runs from Moscow, the capital of Russia, to Vladivostok.

Russia has the world's largest reserves fresh water. About 20% of the world's total fresh water is in Russia.

Russia shares borders with 14 countries, of which the largest border is with Kazakhstan (7512.8 km) and the shortest border is with North Korea (17 km).

The Lena River is the longest river flowing entirely in the interior of Russia, with a length of 4472 km. Whereas the Amur River determines the boundary between Russia and China.  The Volga River forms an important waterway in Europe and European Russia, which is also the longest river in Europe.

Every year on 9 May, the Victory Day Parade is organized in Russia, which is celebrated to commemorate the surrender by the Nazi army of Germany in World War II 1945.

Tsar Nicholas II gave the slogan One Tsar, One Church and One Russia.

The Czar imperial system in Russia ended in the year 1917 and Alexander II is also known as the Tsar Liberator. The real reason for this Russian revolution in 1917 was the defeat of Russia on many fronts in the First World War.

Lenin, the leader of the Volshevik party, had formed the organization called the Cheka and on 16 April 1917, he published the April Thesis Revolutionary Plan. Along with this, in the year 1921, he had also implemented the New Economic Policy in Russia. Whereas Stalin is considered the father of modern Russia.

Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov is considered the father of Russian communism.

Russia has the largest number of nuclear weapons in the world.

Built by the Soviet Union, Sputnik One was the world's first man-made satellite that was sent into space on 4 October 1957.

Tsar Peter the Great of Russia imposed a tax on having a beard, which people consider a foolish decision. When he was once on a tour of Europe, he noticed that Europeans lived in neat and proper clothes and looked smart, whereas in his country Russia at that time people had big beards, dressed inappropriately and  Bathed very little. That's why Peter the Great imposed a tax on the beard to make the people of his country smart. After that it had a positive effect on Russian citizens. So it can be called a positive decision taken by him at that time.

Saint Petersburg, the beautiful city of Russia, is also known as the Venice of the North. Like Venice, it is a beautiful city with thousands of bridges built over canals, adding to its beauty.

The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg was established in the year 1764 by Empress Catherine the Great It is the second largest museum in the world, with more than two million objects and paintings.

Russian-born Leo Tolstoy was one of the world's most respected and popular writers, whose novels "War & Peace" and "Anna Karenina" are considered classic works in the literary world.

The reason for the downfall of the great Napoleon is believed to be the invasion of Russia by his army, which is considered to be a major mistake made by him.

Russia currently has 29 sites in the World Heritage declared by UNESCO, out of which 18 are cultural and 11 are natural, while 24 others are included in the proposed list of UNESCO.  Russia is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of tourism.  Not only natural places but also many cultural places attract attention here.  Pittsburgh City, Lake Baikal, Moscow City, Komi Forest, Kamchatka Volcano, Golden Mountains of Altai, Western Caucasus, Lena Pilar Natural Sanctuary, Kizhi Pogost etc. Many places of interest are present in Russia.


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