Deep Faith In God

The incident happened after the Mahabharata war. Abhimanyu's wife Uttara was walking away screaming. There Shri Krishna, the five Pandavas and Kunti were all standing.  

Uttara said to Shri Krishna, 'Protect me, Ashwathama has struck the Brahmastra on my womb. My husband Abhimanyu is dead, I have a child in my womb and once the Brahmastra is fired, it cannot be stopped. He will take the life of this part of me. I want to save the Pandava dynasty, protect me.  

Kunti and the five Pandavas stood in front of Shri Krishna with folded hands and said, 'You protect us.  

'Shri Krishna closed his eyes and entered Uttara's womb in a subtle form. He covered the child growing in Uttara's womb with the armor of his Maya. As soon as Brahmastra arrived, Krishna pacified him. After this, the Pandavas said to Shri Krishna with folded hands, 'Krishna we have agreed, what do you do not do to protect your devotees, you have protected that child by going in the womb. 'Shri Krishna said, 'I have to trust the devotees who trust me. 

Lesson - This whole incident is teaching us that if we have deep faith and unwavering faith in God, then God will save us from even big problems like Brahmastra.

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