
There was a lumberjack. He was earning his living by cutting wood from the forest and selling it in the village market. He could get only enough money from this work that he could arrange for a small amount of food. His life was going on in many troubles, because of this he used to be very sad.

One day a learned saint arrived in the woodcutter's village. People were reaching the village from far and wide to see the saint and listen to his discourses. The poor woodcutter also reached the saint. As soon as he got the opportunity, the poor woodcutter told his problems to the saint. He told the saint that you ask God why there are so many problems in my life? The saint told him that it is okay, I will pray to God.

After a few days the woodcutter again reached the saint. The saint told him that brother, your luck is only five sacks of grain. That's why God is giving you little grain so that you can get food for the rest of your life.

The woodcutter returned to his home after listening to the saint. After a few days he again reached the saint and said that you ask God to give me all the grains of my luck at once.  At least one day I want to have a full meal.The saint said that it is okay, I will pray for you.

The next day five sacks of grain reached the poor woodcutter's house. He thought that the saint had prayed for me, that is why God has given me so much grain. He cooked a lot of food himself, ate it and distributed it to the poor people of the village.

Everyone prayed to him. The next day five sacks of grain arrived at his house again. He did the same again, ate himself and fed others. It went on like this for many days. Then one day he reached the saint and told the whole thing.

The saint told him that brother, if you feed the grain of your luck to others, then God is very pleased with this noble deed of yours. That is why he is also giving you the grain of the fortune of other needy people, so that you can feed them enough. The woodcutter understood the point of the saint. After this he continued the process of feeding others.

Lesson- The lesson of this story is that those who think about removing the misery of others, God also helps them. That is why one should keep on doing charity. Donating can change our life too.

Read more : -  Our Mind





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