
There is a story about four hundred years old. There was a tailor named Parmeshthi. He was an ardent devotee of the Lord and was a very open hearted person. Those who used to come to him to sew clothes knew that apart from talent, Parmeshthi is also a very good person.

People used to get a lot of positive energy by sitting near Parmeshthi. Big Nawabs, landlords, merchants used to come from him to sew clothes. The king of the kingdom in which he lived got a carpet made from Parmeshthi, but the emperor did not like that carpet.

The king said to the courtiers, 'The cloth of this carpet should be used to make pillows. The emperor also liked the work of Parameshthi, so the cloth of the carpet was sent to the tailor.  Parmeshthi made a shell and filled it with cotton, mixed perfume in it and made pillows very well from that cloth shell.

Parmeshthi had made two very beautiful pillows, out of which the smell was coming. To give pillows to the emperor, Parmeshthi walked towards the palace.  

On the way, God Jagdish Swaroop's Rath Yatra was going on.  in the crowd, Parmeshthi also started looking at the chariot and the idol of the Lord.

During this, he saw that the cloth where the idol of God is kept is torn, so he did not like it, so he immediately gave a pillow there.

Seeing such a beautiful pillow, all the priests were very happy. When the Rath Yatra progressed, Parmeshthi remembered that when the emperor would ask me about a pillow, what would I answer.

Parmeshthi reached the court with a pillow and told the whole incident to the emperor that he had presented a pillow to Jagdish, who is the king of the world.

Hearing this, the emperor took Parmeshthi captive. Parmeshthi was remembering God even in jail that we have come to jail, but you have a good pillow.

The next day suddenly the emperor opened the door of the prison and said, 'Parmeshthi I do not know to which Jagdish you had given that pillow, but today a divine figure appeared in my dream and he ordered me to free Parmeshthi. That's why I'm setting you free.

Read more - : Hospitality

Lesson - If a rule is broken by us, but we have good intentions, we do not suffer. God helps those who do good deeds.Therefore, wrongdoing should be avoided.

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