Brazil facts

  • Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world, occupying 47.3 percent of South America. All countries of the continent, except Chilli and Ecuador, share the border with Brazil.
  • Rio de Janeiro has long been the capital of Brazil, but it was changed in 1960 and Brasilia was made the capital. The reason for this was that Rio de Janeiro is a city located on the seashore, which is not right for safety. Brasilia is a city in the heart of the country.

  • Brazil was once a slave country of Portugal, got independence on 7 September 1822 and in 1825 its first constitution was made.
  • 'Rio de Janeiro' was once the capital of the European country Portugal, it is the only capital of a European country which was outside Europe.
  • Brazil is the first country in South America to host the Olympic Games.
  • Brazil holds the record for the most football World Cup wins, having won the title five times.
  • Brazil was the only American country in the Second World War to send its soldiers to fight in the war.
  • Eika Batista (Eka Batista), who was once the seventh richest person in the world, is a citizen of Brazil.  At one time they used to have $ 31 billion in property, but unfortunately in the year 2013, they had a loss of property of $ 30 billion and they had only $ 1 billion.
  • Brazil has remained the world's largest producer of coffee for the last 150 years.
  • Brazil is second only to America in terms of number of airports.
  • Brazil, the children who are unable to get breast milk are provided with milk from the breasts of the women, which they drink from the nipple bonny.
  • Voting is compulsory in Brazil. A citizen's passport can be canceled if they do not vote.
  • Brazil is ahead of many countries in terms of crime, 10 of the top 20 cities in the world in terms of murder rate are from Brazil.
  • Brazil is the world's top country in terms of drug smuggling, where drug prices are 30 times less than the rest of the countries.
  • Inmates living in Brazilian jails can reduce their sentence by reading books. For this, they have to read a book every 4 days and prepare a report on it.
  • An island under the jurisdiction of Brazil is named Ilha da Queimada Grande (Ilha da Queimada Grande). It is called Snake Island because every single square meter of this island has at least 5 snakes which are very poisonous.  There are more than 20 lakh snakes on this island with an area of ​​4 lakh 30 thousand square kilometers. The government has banned common people from visiting this island, only scientists and explorers can visit this island.
  • The name of a city in Brazil is' Nao - Me - Toque ', which means - focused Touch Me'.
  • All people of the Bororo species of Brazil have a blood group ‘O’.
  • Apple Company mobile sold in Brazil is double the price of America.
  • According to a research, 35 percent of men living in rural areas of Brazil have sex with animals at some time.
  • Outside Japan, if the Japanese are in any other country, it is Brazil.
  • Since 2008, the sex change surgery is free in Brazil, it is borne by the government.

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