An Ant And A Leaf

There was a pond.  On its side was a garden in which different types of flowers bloomed.  Everyone liked the rose flowers in them.  Every person visiting the garden used to be enchanted by the rose flowers. This made the leaves of roses depressed. They say how much our life is insignificant compared to the rose. I wish someone appreciated us too.  Do we not have any utility in this world?  Roses are treated so friendly, but why are we treated with neglect?

Days were passing in this turbulence. But a thunderstorm came and all the flowers in the garden were destroyed. Rose flowers also shattered on the ground. His petals were shattered.  Rose leaves were blowing in the air.  A leaf fell in the pond.  He was drifting helplessly.  Then he saw an ant, who was struggling with the waves of the pond to save his life.  The ant seemed to be near its end.

When the leaf saw this, he said to the ant, 'My life is wasted, but you still have life left.  You ride on me and save your life.

Having said this, he went to the ant and after a few attempts, placed the ant on himself.  Both started moving towards the shore. The leaf finally reached the shore while struggling with the waves.

The ant descended on the shore and said to the leaf, 'Friend - I will never forget this favor of you.  Today you have saved my life. '

Leaf said emotionally, 'Friend - thank you so I should give you, because you have made me feel the usefulness of my life today, otherwise I used to despise myself.  Saying this, the leaf moved happily.

The meaning of saying that nature has not made anyone less. Everyone has their own importance. Because maybe beautiful things can be successful in attracting people towards them, but it can never mean that your life is not important.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

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