
 motivational incident

Socrates was very famous in Greece for his knowledge and wisdom. One day an acquaintance of Socrates arrived and he said, "I have heard something about a friend of yours."

Hearing this, Socrates said, "Pause for a moment", before I tell you something, I want us to do a short test, which I call the 'test of the three criteria'." Three criteria? "What kind of criterion? ”The acquaintance asked.

Socrates said, "Before I tell you anything about my friend, we should decide what you are going to say. So, before I know anything, I want to test with these criteria."

The first criterion in this is the test of truth. Can you say with a hundred percent claim that what you are going to tell me is completely true? The acquaintance said, "No, indeed I have heard."

Socrates said, "Well. It means that you are not convinced that this is completely true." Let us now use the second criterion that I call the test of goodness. Are you going to tell me about my friend? The acquaintance said, "No.

Socrates said, "Well. It means that what you are going to tell me is not a good thing and you don't even know if it's true or false. But we still shouldn't lose hope because of the final criterion. One test is still to be done; and that is the utility test. "

Socrates further asked, "What were you going to tell me, is it of any use to me?" The acquaintance said uneasy, "No."

"Well," said Socrates, "what you were going to tell me is neither true, nor good, nor of any use to me, so why should I waste my precious time knowing it?"

It means to say that in the present times, we often have people who always run around with some evil and try to create differences between us, to deal with them, these three criteria given by Socrates  You can make your life simple and happy by adopting them - the test of truth, the test of good and the test of utility.

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