Children of the Changing Earth

In lands where hope once blossomed bright,

A tempest stirred, with all its might.

Now children wander, lost and torn,

The victims of a world forlorn.

Climate's fury, a wicked dance,

Takes away their sweetest chance,

To laugh and play beneath the sun,

Their innocence like rivers, run.

Across the globe, their homes were lost,

By forces nature's wrath had tossed.

From Bangladesh to ravaged shores,

Devastation echoes, pain implores.

Floods strike with vengeance, rivers flood,

Ripping roots from where they stood.

In parched terrains, drought's deadly kin,

The desert whispers a tale so grim.

Storms unleash their thunderous might,

From coastal realms to darkest night.

In ruin's wake, their lives displaced,

Children's dreams forever erased.

A symphony of flames engulfs the sky,

As forest fires consume, no wings to fly.

The warmth they seek becomes a curse,

As flames devour their universe.

Have we not heard their anguished cries,

As broken dreams obscure their skies?

From shattered homes, they take their flight,

Guided solely by a starless night.

But united we must stand, we must resist,

And fight for a world we cannot dismiss.

For every child deserves a chance,

To thrive anew, to find their stance.

Let's sow the seeds of hope and care,

In lands once ravaged, stripped bare.

And with compassion as our guide,

For these young souls, we must provide.

So, let kindness bloom in every heart,

Let love be a shield, for their fresh start.

Together, we'll create a haven true,

A world where children can thrive anew.

"Children of the Changing Earth," we'll say,

A testament to strength, come what may.

For in their eyes, our future lies,

Their resilience the beacon that never dies.

Read more : - 

The Symphony of Life: Rediscovering the Vitality of Our Environment

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