The Most Poisonous Tree In The World!

Trees and plants have great importance in life.  Our body gets many essential nutrients from the delicious fruits obtained from trees, but it is not necessary that all trees and plants are beneficial for you. Along with the benefits of trees, there is no dearth of disadvantages caused by them.  Today we are going to tell you about such a strange tree, which is called the most poisonous tree in the world. Standing under this tree in the rain also harms us. The name of this tree is Manchineel. Let's know about it.....

Manchineel trees are found on the coasts of Florida and the Caribbean Sea. It is said that they are so poisonous that if a person comes in contact with it, blisters appear on his body.

There is poison in every part of the Manchineel tree, but its fruit is considered to be the most poisonous. Even if we only taste this small apple-sized fruit, then death can happen. It is also called the 'small apple of death'.

If any part of Manchineel tree reaches the eyes of a person, he can become blind. For this reason, to prevent people from coming in contact with this tree and eating its fruits, boards have been installed around the trees, in which warnings have been given to stay away from this tree.

According to Nicola H. Strickland, a scientist, once he and his friends were on the Caribbean island beach of Tobago, where they ate this fruit. They tell that shortly after eating this fruit, they started feeling jealous and swollen. However, his condition was cured after getting immediate treatment.

If you stand under this tree to avoid rain and if the drops falling on its leaves touch your body and fall, your skin will get burnt from that place.

Local carpenters make furniture from its wood.  However, it is cut very carefully while cutting.  Before making its furniture, the wood is dried in the sun for a long time, so that its poisonous ends.

Read more : - Lessons From The Book "Can't Hurt Me" 

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