Nostradamus's Prophecy About Russia-China


The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for the last one month. The Russian army is constantly bombarding Ukraine. There is devastation everywhere in Ukraine.  This war is affecting the whole world in a big way.  Due to the ongoing war between the two countries, the global supply chain has been affected, due to which inflation is increasing worldwide. The biggest impact of this war is on oil and gas prices.

Between the Russia-Ukraine war, the possibility of a third world war is now being expressed.  The prediction made by the famous French prophet 'Michael de Nostradamus' years ago is also scaring people. From the year 2020 onwards, the conflict started increasing in the countries of the world. The astrologer Nostradamus had already made this prediction.  According to his prediction, the third world war may start in the year 2023. 

French astrologer Nostradamus, born in the 16th century, made thousands of predictions in his book. During this, predictions were made about many future events. It is believed that one of the predictions he made was the Russo-Ukraine war which has now proved to be true.

The prophet Nostradamus had foretold about the coming destruction in the world. People all over the world believe in his predictions, because 70 percent of his predictions have come true so far.  Apart from the Third World War, Nostradamus had made very scary predictions for the year 2022 as well.

Nostradamus had told in his predictions that America would start the biggest military exercise in Asia. People are stunned by the predictions made by the prophet Nostradamus for the future.

China and Russia will become superpowers - The real picture of the war will be clear from the stand of countries like China, Russia, France and Germany. Nostradamus had said in his prediction that in future Russia and China would emerge as a superpower.

If this happens in the coming years, then big changes will be seen in the world. If these two countries become superpowers, their effect can be seen in other countries of the world as well.

Prophecy in this book - : Nostradamus made many prophecies in his famous book 'Les Profetis'. The famous book of the French astrologer was published in the year 1555. He has told about the future events through about 942 poetic quatrains.

Know when the third world war will start : - Nostradamus predicted that the Russo-Ukraine War would end. However, differences in other countries of the world will continue to flare up within. The result of this will be that in the next year i.e. 2023, war will start in Europe, which will be the third world war.

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