Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane MH-370

Sometimes such incidents also happen in the world, which are difficult to believe. A similar incident happened in the year 2014, which till now remains a mystery to the people of the world. Actually, a Malaysia Airlines plane with 239 people suddenly disappeared from the sky and till date no one has got its clue.

Malaysia Airlines plane MH-370 took off from the capital Kuala Lumpur on 8 March 2014. The plane was supposed to reach Beijing, the Chinese capital, the same day, but lost contact with the traffic control center shortly after the plane took off. After this, many things happened about the disappearance of the plane, but nothing was found about it. It was initially speculated that the plane might have been hijacked by the terrorists, but later there was no such indication.

After some time it was assumed that the plane may have crashed somewhere and the search operation was resumed. The plane was searched for several months and in many countries, but nothing was found.

The plane is said to have been searched over an area of ​​over one lakh square kilometres, but nothing was found of the plane. It was the longest operation in history to find an plane.  Crores of rupees were spent in this. Many countries also helped Malaysia in this search operation. Even after this, the MH-370 plane could not be traced.

According to the information, there were a total of 239 people on this plane, which included 227 passengers as well as 12 crew members. The highest number of travelers were from China, followed by Malaysia.

It is said that the last time the plane was found flying over the Indian Ocean, but after that it suddenly fell out of radar. After that no one knew anything about its. The search operation of the plane was also officially called off in January 2017 after getting frustrated from all sides.

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