Ice Age May Come On Earth Once Again

Antarctica and Greenland look like today, at one time there was a complete opposite situation. At one time, hundreds of volcanoes erupted in Antarctica and Greenland. Recently, 69 of these eerie volcanoes have been detected. During the Ice Age, they had such terrible eruptions that have never been seen in modern history. Scientists doing research on this said that they want to tell through this how these volcanic eruptions tell us about the sensitivity of the earth to climate change. Through this discovery, it has been discovered that the eruptions of 69 volcanoes around Antarctica and Greenland before the Ice Age were the deadliest eruptions ever in modern history.

According to physicists at the University of Copenhagen, a volcanic eruption is generally not thought of as a cataclysm, with an ear-pumping explosion, dark ash, a layer of smoke in the atmosphere and a river of lava flowing over the ground. It's terrifying.

Actually, volcanic eruptions show how sensitive your earth is to climate change. This natural phenomenon has to be intermittent, otherwise it can be difficult to strike a balance. Anders Wensen, associate professor at the University of Copenhagen's Neil Bohr Institute, says that we have not yet seen the largest volcanic eruption in history. We can see him anytime in the coming days.

When the team of scientists drilled thick layers of ice in Antarctica and Greenland and examined them by removing samples from the depths of the ice. Then there was information about the intensity and quantity of eruptions of volcanoes 60 thousand years ago. At the same time, in the last 2500 years, such eruptions have not happened.

Scientists have discovered evidence of 85 volcanic eruptions in Antarctica and Greenland so far, which were of global scale. This means that he had taken the whole earth in his grip. At the same time, 69 of these volcanic eruptions were many times more powerful than Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815. During this, a very large amount of sulfuric acid was released, which completely covered the stratosphere. In such a situation, even the light of the sun was not reaching the earth. Due to this, there was a global winter on Earth for many years.

Due to the Mount Tambora eruption, many tsunamis, drought in many areas, and people in many areas became victims of starvation. Apart from this, about 80 thousand people died.

Pro. Anders says that we now have the data of 60,000 years of volcanic eruptions. The idea of ​​eruptions from the earliest ice age to modern times can be applied now. Studying large eruptions requires a large timeline. At the same time, now the question is, when and how will the next big explosion happen?

It is said that if an eruption like Mount Tambora happens again, there will be climate change on a terrible level. The light of the sun will reach the earth negligibly. In such a situation, there will be global cooling for five to ten years. In such a situation, there can be an ice age-like condition.  Earthquake and drought-like situations can occur. There will be chaos all around. Actually, this study has recently been published in Climate of the Past Journal.

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