A Planet Where It Rains Stones

At present, science has developed so much that even the most difficult tasks have become easy.  Due to the development of science, scientists also easily discover the distant planets in the solar system. With the help of advanced technologies and telescopes like Hubble Space Telescope in space, scientists have discovered such unique planets which were difficult to even imagine.  Scientists have discovered such unique planets only a few days ago, knowing about which you will be surprised. On one of these planets it rains molten stones, while on the other planet a metal like titanium also evaporates.

The size of both the planets of the mysterious world that scientists have discovered is equal to the planet Jupiter. Both of these are present near their stars in our Milky Way Galaxy. These two planets are so close to the star that they are getting hot due to the high temperature. The reason for the rain of vaporized stones on one planet and the vaporization of powerful metals like titanium on the other is their high temperature.

Scientists have explained in detail about these two mysterious planets in two studies. Now scientists can learn more about the diversity, complexity and unique mysteries of our galaxy.  From the outer planets, information is being received about the diversity of the evolution of the planetary system in the universe.

According to the study published in the journal Nature, scientists have seen WASP-178b present 1300 light-years away from Earth through the Hubble Space Telescope. Wherever it has been seen, the atmosphere is filled with silicon monoxide gas. Researchers say that there are no clouds on this planet during the day, but stormy winds move at a speed of two thousand miles per hour at night.

Why does it rain stones?

It has been told in this research that this planet is present very close to its star. A part of this planet is always towards its star. Scientists claim that silicon monoxide on the other side of the planet becomes so cold that it rains stones instead of water from the cloud. In the morning and evening, the planet becomes so hot that even the stone becomes steam. Researchers have reported that for the first time silicon monoxide has been seen in this form.

The second study has been published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. In this, astronomers have told about an extremely hot planet. The name of this extraterrestrial planet is KELT-20b which is present 400 light years away. When scientists investigated it, it was found that a shower of ultraviolet rays is maintaining a layer in the atmosphere here.

The thermal layer formed on KELT-20b is similar to Earth's stratosphere. Due to the absorption of ultraviolet rays of the Earth's ozone layer, the temperature rises between 7 and 31 miles. The UV radiation from the parent star on KELT-20b heats the metal in the atmosphere, forming a solid thermal inversion layer.

Researchers have told that the emission spectrum of KELT-20b is completely different from other planets. It is clear from this that the planets do not remain independent, but the stars have a deep effect on them.

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