Give Credit To Others

There is a story related to King Vikramaditya.  One day a saint came to his court. The king asked him, 'What can I serve you?  

'The saint said, 'I am hungry, please give me food. 'The king ordered to feed the saint. When the food came to the fore, the saint, seeing the bread, said to the king, 'King, the food that you have kept in this plate, It is entitled, Isn't it? Entitlement means right. 'Hearing this, Vikramaditya was shocked that what is the right's food?  

The king said, 'You tell me, I have heard for the first time that Right also has food. 'Said the saint, 'Go to the village and there you will find an old man. Will ask him 'When the king reached the given address, a weaver was spinning yarn there. The king asked the old weaver, 'What is called the food of the right? 

'The old man said, 'The food I have in this plate today is half of the right and half of rightless.   

'The king said to the old man, 'Please explain this to me properly. 'The old man said, 'One day I was spinning yarn and it got dark, so I lit a lamp and I started doing my work. At that time a procession came out near my house. The people involved in the procession had torches in their hands. When greed came in my mind, I extinguished the lamp and started doing my work under the light of their torches. With the money I got from that work, I got this food. This food is half for the right and half for the needy because whatever work I did in the light of the torches of those people, so much money belongs to them. 'Hearing this, the king understood that what is called the food of right.  

Lesson - Whenever you do any work, give credit to others for their work. Always keep in mind, to get something, first of all, you should use your resources. If you have used the resources of others, give them credit for it. Our entitlement should be derived from our labor and our things.

Read more : - Rights

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