About Carbon Credit

A carbon credit is a type of certificate that gives a certificate of emitting carbon. It has been prepared to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. The more carbon you emit, the more you will have to spend on projects that reduce emissions.

Industries that run on coal, oil and natural gases are responsible for these emissions and are a major threat to the health of the earth. But not all industries can be closed because industries are necessary to run the world. In such a situation, carbon credits are being considered helpful, so that problems like emissions can be dealt with.

Large scale mining of coal and fossil fuels is a major problem. Factors like smoke-spewing factories and deforestation have been driving the wheel of the world's economy for the last 200 years. But we are also suffering the consequences of this. It is getting difficult to breathe in cities now. On the other hand the forests which are called the lungs of the earth are burning. We often see and hear the news of forest fires in many parts of the world. Meanwhile, we are also witnessing an epidemic like Corona. The emission of poisonous gas is also a reason at the root of all this.

What is its solution? 

One solution for this can be that industries should be run from the sources of renewable energy. Solar or wind energy can be used in this, so that there is no carbon emission. However, it is difficult to run the whole world on renewable energy source because it will take many years. 

How to deal with emissions

The industries should also keep running and the environment should not be affected much, alternatives are being explored. An alternative to this is carbon credits. A carbon credit is a type of certificate that gives a certificate of emitting carbon. It has been prepared to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. The more carbon you emit, the more you will have to spend on projects that reduce emissions or absorb gases such as carbon. This means that the lower your emissions, the more money you will save.

In a way, carbon credits compensate you for carbon emissions. Simply put, if you clean the same amount of dirt as you spread, then there will be no dirt at all. With the money of carbon credits, forests are being planted somewhere which absorb the gases emitted. Somewhere there is investment in renewable energy projects that reduce the use of fossil fuels. A carbon credit means that you have prevented 1 ton of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases from entering the environment.

Carbon credits trend increased

Coal, oil and natural gas are all fossil fuels that come out of the earth. The industries that use these fuels spread the most carbon emissions.  These include power, fertilizer, textile and steel industries. Taking carbon credits is not binding yet, but the trend of carbon credits is increasing in view of the increasing problem of global warming and climate change around the world.  Countries or companies that want to reduce their carbon emissions buy carbon credits.  The surplus carbon credits of countries or companies that have low carbon emissions can be sold to countries or companies that have high carbon emissions.

 carbon credit dispute

In 1997, in the Kyoto Protocol, all countries around the world agreed to reduce carbon emissions. Accordingly, the carbon credit framework was prepared. Under this, a limit was set on how much carbon companies can emit in a year. The countries of the European Union decided to cut their carbon emissions in a big way. For this a target of carbon emissions was set.

Accordingly, carbon targets were given to industries. One problem in this was that in some parts of the world, countries cut carbon emissions, while in some countries emissions continue. This has increased the cost of countries cutting emissions.  In view of this, many people also raise questions on carbon credit. One thing is for sure that in the name of carbon credits, investments were made in many projects which have helped in making our environment clean.

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