The Peace

Peace is not only achieved by money and amenities, due to dissatisfaction the mind is always restless.

Those who are not satisfied can never be at peace.  Mere wealth and amenities cannot calm a person's mind. Dissatisfaction keeps a person's mind disturbed.  

There is a folk tale in this regard. According to the legend, in olden times a person used to worship Goddess Lakshmi, but the problems of his life were not getting over. Then a monk saw that person worshiping. The saint realized that he was not doing the worship properly. Then the saint told that person the method of worship and a mantra of Goddess Lakshmi and said to chant this incantation daily with a sincere heart.  

The person started worshiping according to the method prescribed by the saint and also started chanting the incantation daily. 

After a few days, Goddess Lakshmi was pleased with the person's devotion and appeared before him. Goddess Lakshmiji said to the person that I am happy with your devotion, what do you want to ask for? I can fulfill all your wishes.  

The person said to Goddess Lakshmiji that I do not understand anything right now, what should I ask from you? You please come tomorrow I want to ask for a boon from you tomorrow.  

Goddess Laxmiji agreed to her devotee and became curious. After the departure of Goddess Lakshmiji, the devotee became restless. He thought I would ask for a lot of money. Then he thought that I would become the king of some kingdom. The whole day and the whole night were spent in such contemplation, but he was unable to decide what to ask from Goddess Lakshmi. He didn't even sleep through the night.

Next day Goddess Lakshmi again appeared in front of him and asked him to ask for his boon.  The person said that Goddess Lakshmiji, I do not have to ask for anything. I became restless at the joy of the arrival of wealth and comforts. If I got these things then my whole life would be in disarray. I just want peace in my life. Just give me this boon that my mind should be devoted to your devotion. Goddess Laxmiji was pleased with his devotion and disappeared by saying 'Tathastu'.

The lesson of this story is that if we want happiness and peace in life, then we should adopt a sense of satisfaction. One should be satisfied in life. If you remain dissatisfied, you can never get peace.   

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