Positive Energy

At the time of Ramakrishna Paramhansa (In Kolkata), there was a scholar named Keshavchandra Sen in Kolkata (India). He used to speak everything rationally. Because of this, even educated and intelligent people could not stand before him.

One day Keshavchandra Sen reached Ramakrishna Paramhansji. He put forth many arguments about whether there is God in front of Paramhansji or not. He was constantly talking about God and everyone was listening.

Suddenly Ramakrishna Paramhansji stood up and embraced Keshavchandra Sen.

Ramakrishna Paramhansji said, ' I am a simple person of the village. I don't have much knowledge. But, I am amazed to see the splendor of your intellect. And, seeing you one thing I understood that there is God. Because, if there was no God, how would people like you come to this earth? This is the proof of the existence of God.'

Keshavchandra Sen had come to prove that there is no God. But, Ramakrishna Paramhansji did not give any answer to any of his arguments. Rather, they started dancing and praising Keshavchandra Sen. 

When Keshavchandra Sen came back home, this thing of Ramakrishna was going around in his mind that seeing you, he understood one thing that God is there. Because, if there was no God, how would people like you come to this earth? This is the proof of the existence of God.  Keshavchandra wrote in his diary that night, 'Today for the first time I lost to someone. It is difficult to beat this person.'

The message of this story is that those who have faith in God, even if they are simple, they still have an impact on the great learned people. The positive energy emanating from the body of the devotees increases their effect. The words of those who have a clear mind and soul affect everyone.

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