
Yasin Mohammad ran a tea shop in a small village. He was an ambitious and hard working person. Used to stay in the shop overnight. Soon he collected some money.

One day, Akhtar Hameed Khan, the director of village development, visited his shop. He advised Yasin to form a cooperative society of rickshaw drivers in the village.

Yasin said, "Even before two committees have been formed, but due to disturbances in the amount of donations, both have broken. Now no one will trust such committee."

Then Akhtar suggested, this time keep the membership fee only one anana per month.  There will be no problem in giving it to anyone and there will be no scope for anyone to be dishonest.

Yasin got talking. He formed the committee and soon won the trust of the people. The villagers started becoming members of the committee.  The condition of rickshaws also improved. Income started to increase. Gradually a fund of the committee was created.

This sequence continued for twenty years. Now, the committee started running primary and secondary schools in the village, with three tractors and a paddy planter. Roads were paved in the village. The committee's own office was equipped with modern facilities.

Thus, this committee of twenty-two paid employees did not let anyone remain unemployed in the village.

That is to say, if we try in the right direction, then we can also achieve the greatest achievements in life. Just remember these words of Jesus Christ, whatever you ask for - you will get, what you want - you will get.

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