
Socrates was given the death penalty. So the day before Socrates was poisoned, some of his friends and disciples went to visit him in jail.  Socrates 'most beloved disciple Crito said to him,'Gurudev- we have made full arrangements to flee from you.  You get ready to run.  '

Socrates laughingly said to Crito, 'Crito - till today I have taught you the truth and today you are teaching me the lesson of untruth, fear and infidelity.  Socrates asked his disciple Crito, 'Why are you doing this?'

Crito explained Socrates, saying, "This is not the time to argue - Gurudev. Now the question is not about truth or untruth, it is about life saving.

Socrates said with the same firmness to his dearest disciple Crito, 'In the fascination of my life, you have also forgotten that I love the truth more than my life. I have been sentenced to death and now how can I run away from it and turn from the truth? '

Crito told his mentor Socrates, 'Even the death penalty given to you is untrue. There is no reason for that.

Socrates heard this and said to his disciple Crito, 'I too leave the path of truth to avoid the untruth of those who have given the death penalty.'  Socrates further said, 'No, I cannot do this. God may forgive me when I run away, but history will never forgive me and for me the history of the country is my God. '

Crito tried hard to convince his mentor, argued, but did not agree and finally said, 'Crito - you are crazy. I am truth, I believe in truth, that truth can never die. You will die, but I will never die.

Years passed, people know Socrates but little about Creto.

To say that people who include truth in their conduct is not on earth but always lives in history.

Read more : - Talent story

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