Priceless Thoughts of Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho is a world-renowned lyricist and novelist. Many books have been written by him, the most famous of which is 'The Alchemist', which has been translated into 67 languages.

Born - 24 August 1947, Rio De Jeneiro (Brazil)
Occupation - Lyricist, Writer
Nationality - Brazilian
Language - Portuguese
Notable work - The Alchemist
Spouse - Christina Oiticica

Priceless Thoughts of Paulo Coelho

  • No reason is needed to love someone.
  • Remember your dreams and fight for them.
  • Everything that happens once can never happen again. But every single thing that happens twice will definitely be the third time.
  • These dreams are likely to come true, which make life interesting.
  • Every ignored blessing becomes a curse.
  • We can never assess the life of another, because every person knows his pain and sacrifice.
  • A child can teach an adult three things. To be happy without any reason, to always be busy with something and to know how to achieve what he wants.
  • Remember, wherever you have your heart, you will eat your treasure there.
  • It is annoying to wait. It is annoying to forget.  But not knowing what to do is the most painful.
  • Whoever is in love with the hope that they will also get love in return is wasting their time.
  • What is a teacher? I tell you. It is not someone who teaches, rather he is the one who inspires the parasols to give their highest in finding what they already know.
  • Do not waste your time in clarifying.  People listen to what they want to hear.
  • Be brave. Take a risk. There is no substitute for experience.
  • How much I lost, because I was afraid of losing.
  • Everyone has a creative ability and the moment you start expressing this creative ability, the moment you start changing the world.
  • Nothing in the world is ever completely wrong.  Even a paused watch tells the correct time twice a day.
  • I never say that I am a master.
  • The secret of life is to fall seven times and rise for the eighth time.
  • We pretend to be powerful, because we are powerless.
  • When you want something, the whole work starts helping you to achieve it.
  • Life-and-death becomes amusing with the possibilities of dreams coming true.
  • People are able to fulfill their dreams at any time in their life.
  • You may have 10,000 explanations for failure, but there is not a single good explanation for success.
  • I live neither in the past nor in the future. I am just currently interested. If you can always focus on your present, you will always be happy. Life will be like a celebration for you. A grand celebration, because life is in this moment, in which we are living now.
  • The only thing that makes dreams impossible to achieve is the fear of failure.
  • Be crazy, but behave like normal people. Take the risk of falling apart, but learn to do it without attracting attention.
  • Explain to your heart that the fear of suffering is more dreadful than suffering and no heart has ever suffered in the pursuit of its dreams.
  • When I had nothing to eat, I had everything.  When I stopped being who I am, I found myself.
  • Your eyes show you the power of your soul.
  • At one stage of life, we lose our control over things that happen to us and we stop at the door of luck. This is the biggest lie in the world.
  • Common things are also the most extraordinary.  But only intelligent people can see.
  • You are what you believe to be.
  • Every person has a clear idea of ​​how others should live. But not to live my life.
  • There is only one way to learn, that is work.
  • When we love, we always try to get better than before and when we try to get better things around us also get better.
  • The secret is in the present, if you pay attention in the present, you can refine yourself and if you refine your present, the moment will be better.

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