
Once a saint was asked by one of his disciples who his master was. The saint replied, 'Well I have a lot of masters, but let me tell you about my two special masters.

My first master is a thief. Once upon a time I was wandering in an unknown city, then a thief sheltered me in my house. Every night the thief went to steal.

When the thief came back, I would ask him what happened today?  Although he did not get any success for a month, but every time the thief used to say that tonight he could not get anything, but tomorrow I will try again and God wants, then I will definitely succeed.

The saint further said to the disciple, 'Whenever in life I feel that God is not meeting even after all the meditation, worship and meditation, then why not leave it all, then I remember that thing of the thief  Is that tomorrow I will try again and God wants, then I will definitely succeed.

The saint tells the disciple that his second guru is a dog. That dog was very thirsty. But seeing his image in the water of the river, that dog would think of him as another dog and run away in fear.

But his thirst was also deep. So he finally jumped into the river, bypassing all fear. This made her frightening image disappear and her thirst also disappear. The saint told the disciple that I learned from the dog that deepen your thirst and jump in spite of fear.

To say that knowledge can be obtained from anywhere, only the heart and mind should be open. In the world, we get knowledge from anyone, he is a master, whether he is a human being or an animal.

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