
A fox and monkey lived in a forest. Both the fox and the monkey were friends. A path passed through the forest, through which many villagers used to pass with luggage on their back.

One day the monkey saw that some people were going towards their village with a bunch of banana loaded on their back. He immediately went to the fox and said to him, 'Listen fox, why don't we scare the villagers and when the villagers run away scared, we can pick up their food and bananas and eat them. Will you join me in this work?  '

The fox said it's fine, but how would we scare them. The monkey said, 'It's very easy. The two of us will sit in hiding around the road. As the villagers pass by us, I will shout loudly and you shout too. On hearing this kind of shouting, villagers will think that a lion or a bear has come and they will run away leaving all their belongings in fear.

The fox said, 'Come on, okay, but I'll get half a banana.  Say, is it accepted.' The monkey thought for a while and then smiled and said, 'Okay, but come on first.

Both the fox and the monkey hid on either side of the road. The villagers shouted as the villagers passed by them. On hearing his voice, the villagers panicked and ran away leaving banana herds.

Seeing this, both the monkey and the fox were overjoyed and both pulled bananas and took them inside the forest. Then the monkey cleverly told the fox that if we keep a lot of bananas here, someone will steal an animal or it might happen that the villagers come back and take them, then why don't we do these bananas on the tree hide and eat.

The fox got into her words. He trusted him without thinking. The monkey said, 'You pick up banana flakes and give me. I will hide them. The fox did the same. When all the banana flakes reached the tree, the monkey also jumped and reached the tree and sat there eating food.

When the fox gave a voice. Throw my part down too, then the monkey ate the banana and threw the peel down and started laughing, you take this part. The fox was poor and hungry, and what could she do, because she had mistakenly trusted the monkey and handed over all her belongings to him.

The story of the fox and the monkey teaches that one should never trust anyone without thinking.

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