Henry Ford

The great industrialist Henry Ford was a billionaire, but he used to come to his office and factory in simple clothes.  Seeing this, all his employees were very surprised and talked among themselves that even though the owner has so much money, he comes to the office in such simple clothes.

One day his secretary dared him to say, 'Sir, you have so much money that you can buy expensive clothes from all over the world, yet you come to the office in such simple clothes.'

Henry Ford said to the smiling secretary, 'Everyone here knows that I am Henry Ford. So why should I worry about wearing expensive clothes to show everyone that I'm Henry Ford.  '

A few days later Henry Ford went to many places on the World Tour. But Henry Ford wore simple clothes. Henry Ford's secretary told him, 'Sir, nobody knows you here. So you should wear expensive and nice clothes. '

Henry Ford smilingly told his secretary, "Why should I worry about the dress and that too for those who don't know me, that I'm Henry Ford, a billionaire."

That is to say, live life in such a way that people respect you because of your work, not because of your expensive dress.

In today's era, after earning a little money, people start wearing expensive branded clothes so that people respect them because of their expensive dress. People who pretend like this are often hollow from inside and unable to do anything in their lives.

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