Priceless thoughts of Epicurus

Epicurus was an great ancient Greek philosopher and sage who founded Epicurism, a highly influential school of philosophy.

Born - February, 341 BC, Samos ( Greece)
Died - 270 BC, Athens (Greece)

Priceless thoughts of Epicurus

  • A wise person always chooses good and true friends.
  • How many things we have, does not matter. But what makes us happy is important.
  • If you are satisfied, then you will be counted among the richest people in the world.
  • Friendship never helps, but the confidence of friends in bad times proves to help them out of serious situations.
  • If God starts listening to every kind of prayer, the world will end. No human will survive because every human being must have prayed for the end of another person.
  • Friendship is an art that tells us that we should connect with people.
  • No person should ever worry about death, because death is difficult to meet. Death will not come when we are alive and we will not survive when death comes.
  • The person who walks on the path of truth, keeps away from all kinds of troubles. But the person who moves wrongly, is always plagued with troubles.
  • The things that are most important are the experiences of happiness.
  • There is no end to difficulties in a person who does not follow rules and laws.
  • It is futile to pray to God for the things which man himself achieves in his life.
  • A person who does not get pleasure from small things can never get happiness from anything.
  • There can be only one way to make a person rich. Instead of giving him money, his expectations should be taken away.
  • It is good to live without fear, because what is the use of sleeping on a bed made of gold and eating with a spoon made of silver, when the whole life is surrounded by difficulties and complications.
  • There is no point in a philosophy that is unable to reduce the suffering of others.
  • One should not try to please more people.  Because the things that you like, they may not like those things and the things that they like, they may not like you.
  • When you are surrounded by more people, you feel like spending time with yourself.
  • Tell your life new behind the things you do not have. Because what you have today, those things are included in the things that you have wished earlier.
  • If you are living your life with freedom, then it is difficult to have money, because it is necessary to have someone to take care of money and land.
  • Law is such a system in which you do not hurt anyone nor do you allow anyone to hurt you.
  • The bigger the problem, the sweeter the taste of solving it.
  • Living beautifully and meeting beautiful death are both the same.
  • Only after facing a storm can one become a captain, that is, it is very important to face troubles to move forward.

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