Be optimistic

A farmer lived in a village.The farmer loved animals very much. So he kept a lot of cows and buffaloes in his house. The farmer used to make a living by selling milk of cows and buffaloes.

Once a farmer brought a dog and a rabbit to his house and started raising them. One day the idea of ​​playing a game with both of them came to the mind of the farmer. With this idea the farmer took both the dog and the rabbit on a field and he made many holes in the field.

In one of those holes, the farmer hid the bone and the carrot. Now the farmer called the dog and the rabbit and said, 'Whoever of you will find the bone and carrot first, I will reward him.'  The rabbit was very optimistic. The rabbit was sure that he would find the bone and the carrot, while the dog was very pessimistic. The dog was thinking what kind of joke it was?

How can one find bone and carrot on such a large farm. Due to this thinking, the dog sat near a large pit built in the field. The rabbit, on the other hand, with all his might and strength, began to find carrots and bones in the field. He saw all the holes one by one but he could not find any bones and carrots anywhere.

The rabbit then saw the dog comfortably sitting near a pit. The rabbit went to that pit and started thinking that this is the only pit left to be seen.

Thinking this rabbit saw in that pit, he found both bone and carrot in the same pit. After that there was no place for the happiness of the rabbit.

The dog's pessimistic thinking allowed him to lose comfortably and let the rabbit win comfortably. The dog initially conceded that bone and carrots could not be found in such a large field. So he did not even try to find bone and carrot.

Many of us likewise do not try because of pessimistic thinking, and run away from difficulties. But maybe the solution to our problems is very close to us.

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