Trust in the God's Prayer

A female elephant and a female dog lived in a forest. They got pregnant together.Three months later, the female dog gave birth to six dogs. Three months later, the female dog was pregnant again and gave birth to six dogs. In this way, this trend continued and after eighteen months she had eighteen dog children.

But the female elephant has not yet had a baby.  So the female dog said to the female elephant, jokingly, 'Do you really think you are pregnant and you are going to have a baby? Look at me, we are both pregnant together, but I have given birth to eighteen children in such a long time and you have not given birth to a child yet. '

Female elephant smiled and said, 'The child I am going to give birth to will not be a small child like a dog.That child will be very big. When he walks on earth, the earth will be able to feel him. When he crosses the road, humans will see him and praise him and show it to others. He will be very strong, powerful and great.

The meaning of saying this is that if you also feel that God is taking time to listen to your prayers, then it means that what God is preparing for you will be great.

Therefore, always trust God and always keep on doing good things.This is because good deeds make you great in the eyes of God. That's why it is said that no one gets more than time and luck.

Read more : - Good Work

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