George Washington

Born - 22 February 1732, Virginia, United States
Died - 14 December 1799, Virginia, United States

Religious ceremonies were going on the banks of a river in America. People of all age groups and religion were gathered there.  The elderly people were busy going to church and praying to the Lord.  The youth was enjoying watching the waters of the river and the flowing stream of the river.  At the same time, the small children were happy leaving the paper boat in the water.

A small baby carried a paper boat in his hand and proceeded to leave it in the water, but due to deterioration, he fell into the water.  As soon as he fell into the water he shouted - Mother, mother save me.

All the people standing by the river got attention of that boy.  The lad was flowing fast with the rapid flow of the river.  The child's mother screamed - Hey, save my son.  All the people present there stood idle even after seeing and hearing everything with fear, apprehension and surprise.

Due to the strong current of water in the river, no one dared to venture into the river.  On the other hand, the child was drifting fast while diving into the water.  Poor mother was also running with him.  But she did not know how to swim.

At the same time, suddenly a teenager boldly jumped into the fast stream of the river and held the child with one hand and brought it to the shore.

The child's mother took her child from her chest and thanked that teenager, son, only courageous children like you can grow up in the world and can illuminate the name of their parents and country in the whole world.

That boy George Washington later became the first President of America and became famous all over the world.

The incident indicates that if we have confidence and courage, then we can easily do even the most difficult task.

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