Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte of France.

The words of Napoleon Bonaparte, "Be ignorant but the valiant carry forward, the coward shines the sword only on familiar paths."

Napoleon Bonaparte was a brave, fearless and great ruler of France, who has been described in history as a world conqueror.

Napoleon Bonaparte used to say, "The word impossible is found only in the dictionary of fools."  Napoleon Bonaparte has done many impossible things in his life.  Napoleon Bonaparte loved doing risky things.  There was a time when Napoleon Bonaparte had to cross the Alps mountain to do battle.  But the soldiers of Napoleon Bonaparte had heard about the elevation of the mountain of Alps and its difficult paths and everyone knew that it was impossible to cross the Alps mountain.

When Napoleon Bonaparte went out to battle with his soldiers, on the way an old woman was found who said to Napoleon Bonaparte, "Go back with your troops, because anyone who has tried to cross the Alps mountain till today  Not alive  Napoleon Bonaparte's soldiers became more nervous after hearing this.  But Napoleon Bonaparte was not afraid to listen to that old lady and Napoleon Bonaparte presented his precious hero necklace to that old lady and said that I like to do risky things, and now you have encouraged me even more.  gave.  If I cross the Alps mountain and come back alive, then definitely tell this thing to all of you.  The old woman was very impressed to hear Napoleon Bonaparte and blessed Napoleon Bonaparte that you would definitely cross the Alps mountain and succeed in your cause.  But the soldiers refused to proceed.  To this, Napoleon Bonaparte asked all his soldiers, "Has anyone seen the mountain of Alps before you?"  All the soldiers said that none of us had seen the Alps mountain before. Napoleon Bonaparte asked all his soldiers to go ahead with me.  When the Alps mountain comes, I will talk to all of you. After that, all of you together will tell me whether you have to move forward or not.  The soldiers, listening to Napoleon Bonaparte, decided to move forward.  After walking for two-three days, the soldiers saw a mountain, and the soldiers asked Napoleon Bonaparte whether this was the Alpus mountain.  Napoleon Bonaparte said, "This is not a mountain of the Alps. It is a small mountain. After crossing this mountain, another mountain about one and a half times larger than this will come. That will be the Alpus mountain."  Hearing this, Napoleon Bonaparte's army moved forward.  After crossing that mountain, Napoleon Bonaparte's army reached a large plain from which the whole plain area was ahead.  Seeing all this, the soldiers of Napoleon Bonaparte asked Napoleon Bonaparte how far and wide the Alps mountain was.  Hearing this, Napoleon Bonaparte laughed and said which Alps mountain are you talking about.  We have crossed the Alps mountain.  Hearing this, all the soldiers were surprised and the soldiers were not sure that they had crossed the Alps mountain so easily.  This day of Napoleon Bonaparte's rise raised the spirits of his troops even more, which resulted in Napoleon Bonaparte winning this war as well.

Napoleon Bonaparte had full faith in himself.  Due to this belief, Napoleon Bonaparte touched new heights of success in his life and became a soldier the great ruler of France.

Napoleon Bonaparte was short in length, so he is also known as Little Corporal.  But it was not easy for any brave warrior to challenge the success he has achieved with his high spirits.

In the same way, problems like the mountain of Alps come in everyone's life, but we should think and solve those problems and move forward.  Troubles should be faced instead of running away from fear.


Read more : -- Truth

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