Bad Time In Life

Long time ago, A rich man built a boat to roam the sea. One day he took the boat and went out to roam the sea.

When that person had gone far ahead in the sea, suddenly a terrible storm came in the sea.  Due to that severe storm, the rich man's boat was badly destroyed and that rich man had to jump into the sea to save his life.

At some distance, that rich person saw a green island. He swam to the island. After reaching the island, that rich person came to know that no one lived on the island. Due to the sea being very far around the island, no other person could see it there.

After seeing all this,that rich person did not understand what to do next. Only then did the rich person realize that if God has saved him,only God will suggest the way forward.

He had to find a way to escape from hunger. So he turned around on that island and started eating fruit and spent the day. As time went on, his hopes were also being broken.

One day the rich man thought that he had not done bad to anyone, so why is this happening to him? By doing this slowly, his trust in God began to rise.

One day he thought that if my whole life is going to pass on this island then why don't I build a hut to live on this island.

After this he built a hut with the help of trees, leaves, grass and wood. After building the hut, that rich person started looking at that hut and thought that now I will not have to sleep under the tree but will sleep in the hut I made.

After some time it became night. Gradually the weather started deteriorating. Lightning flashed in the sky. Then suddenly the electricity fell on that person's hut and his hut started burning. Seeing all this, the person became very sad and started crying.

The crying person looked up at the sky and said, 'Oh my God, what a crime has happened to me that I am getting such a huge punishment'. The person was crying and was hearing his sorrow to God that suddenly a boat came and stopped near that island.

Some people got out of the boat and came to the person and said, 'We have come to save you. We were passing by this island, when we saw a hut burning. We thought someone was in trouble. You did very well by burning your hut. If you do not burn your hut, we do not know that someone is trapped on this island.

Hearing this, tears started flowing from that person's eyes.  He apologized to God and said, 'I did not know that you set fire to my hut to save me. I am very confident today that you always take care of your devotees. You took my patience test but I did not succeed in it.

The meaning of this story is that a bad time comes in every person's life, but we should not lose courage even in that bad time.

It is said that what happens is for good. Because only after passing bad time you come to know that what happened to you was good, otherwise today you are not at this stage.


Read more : -.  Opportunity

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