A Horse and A king's son

Once there was a king who had a son. The king loved his son very much.  Once, that king was attacked by a neighboring king.  There was a fierce war in both.  The entire income of the state began to be raised and managed by the army.

A horse trader arrived in the state during the war.  He camped outside the main gate.  In the evening, when the king's son came out to roam, his eyes fell on the horses.  He liked one of the horses very much.  He questioned the horse dealer about the price of that horse and went away.

At dinner, the king's son said to the king, "Papa, a horseman has come. He has a very good horse. I liked that horse very much."  'How much does that horse cost?'  The king asked.
'Only three gold money,' the king's son reported.  The king said thinking, "There is too much money, son. Leave the intention of buying aM horse now."

Five months later, the king won.  The king received a large sum of money as a 'tax' from the loser king.  The state treasury was full.  There was happiness in the country.  A year later, the same storehouse returned to the king's court again.  In the evening, when the king's son went out to visit, he saw the same warehouse outside the main gate.

The horse was also with the merchant, who liked him (the king's son) very well.  The king's son spoke to the merchant and mounted the horse and tried to test him and was very happy.

The next day, the prince (the king's son) tells the king fearfully, 'Papa, the same horseyard has returned, and the horse of my choice is still with him.  The king rejoiced, saying how much money is the merchant asking for?  'Three hundred golden currencies.'  The prince (son of the king) told.  'Then it is very cheap, definitely buy it.'  The king said.

When the father and son saw the horse and returned to the palace, the prince asked the king, "Solve one of my questions, father."

'The king said with a smile, say, son.'  'Last year, when the same horse was getting three gold paise, you had described it as expensive, but this year it cost three hundred gold paise, so you bought it cheaply.  Why so daddy?

The king patting the prince back said, son!  Last year another king attacked our kingdom.  We needed money to increase military power.  It costs a lot to spend three gold money to fulfill your hobby.  Now our fund is full.  There is peace and happiness in the state.  That's why the king told his son that this year, if three hundred, even if we buy such a horse for three thousand gold money, it will be cheaper.

Lesson from the story -

This is to say that the value of a commodity (being cheap and expensive) is assessed according to its own circumstances.

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