A Father and A Son

A sculptor lived in a village.  He used to make very beautiful sculptures and sell them and nurture his family.  He had a son one day. 

The son of that sculptor also started making sculptures from childhood and upon seeing this he also started making beautiful sculptures. His father was very happy about this. But the father kept removing the shortcomings in his son's idols and kept advising him that the next time to remove this deficiency, the son also heeded his father's advice and in implementing them, he would make more beautiful idols next time.  

Due to the constant improvement of the son, the idols of the son started becoming more beautiful than his father's idols and people started liking him more and started buying him by paying more money. While the father's idols were still being sold at the earlier price, he still used to make some shortcoming in the idols made by his son and the son did not like to hear it anymore. He listened to those shortcomings without mind, but he used to improve the idols.

But one day the patience of the son broke and he said to his father, you are saying as if you are a very big sculptor.  If your idols were so good then why would they sell at such a low price?  So you should not teach me  I make very good images  I don't think I need to take any advice from you now.

Now the father, hearing this of his son, stopped short of the idols of his son.  The boy was happy for a few months.  But later he found that now people were not praising his idols so much as he used to do earlier and now the cost of his statue was also reduced.  Initially the son did not understand this and then one day he went to his father and told about all these problems.  

The father also listened to these problems of the son very calmly as if he had already known that one day it will also come.  The son also noted this and asked, "Did you know that such a day would come?"  The father said, yes.  Because I have gone through a similar situation many years ago.  

Hearing this, the son said to the father, "Why didn't you explain to me?"  The father replied, "Because you did not want to understand."  I know that I have not been able to make as many good idols as you.  It may also be that my advice regarding idols is wrong.  But it is not as if my idol ever became better because of my advice.  

But when I showed you the shortcomings in your sculptures, you were not satisfied, you tried to do better and the same was the reason for your success.  But the day you are satisfied with your work and you believe that there is no room for improvement in this, then your development also stopped.  People always expect better from you.  This is the reason that people do not praise your idols anymore and now you get more money for your idols.  

The son kept quiet and said, what should I do now?  The father replied in one line, learn to be dissatisfied and believe that there is always room for you to be better.  The same thing will always motivate you to move forward and will always make you better.

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